Calmont Road
Caswell&Dainow identified a large underutilised side facing rear garden and negotiated a deal with the owner to purchase a section of their land.
Working with Gouldstone&Co. we created designs for a contemporary 6 person 3 bed bungalow designed around 3 courtyards.
Each of the courtyards provides a generous amount of amenity space for the house with each space being accessible from habitable rooms. This means the house becomes quadruple aspect, providing high quality accommodation on a small site.
The primary elevation is set back from the pavement edge with raised brick planters to provide privacy from the street. The plan has been carefully considered and works hard to keep the three bedrooms at the back of the site, well away from the street, creating added privacy for future residents.
Working with HEARD Landscape the scheme is designed to sit around the existing trees on site, meaning no tree’s are removed and the proposals surpasses the Biodiversity Net Gain targets.
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